Echoes of the Past: The Abandoned Days Inn in Danville, Pennsylvania

overgrown and abandoned days inn danville pennsylvania

Photo: Johnny JooOdd World Studio

Tucked away in the small town of Danville, Pennsylvania, the abandoned Days Inn hotel once stood, slowly crumbling.

A Promising Beginning

The story of the Days Inn in Danville begins with promise and potential. Like many hotels of its kind, it was built to provide a comfortable and convenient stopover for travelers and tourists. Its strategic location and appealing amenities made it a popular choice for visitors to the area. The hotel’s architecture and design, typical of the era, offered a welcoming and familiar environment for its guests.

The Golden Years

During its heyday, the Days Inn was more than just a place to stay; it was a vibrant community hotspot. The lobby buzzed with activity, serving as a meeting point for guests and a place of rest after long journeys. The hotel rooms, though modest, provided a cozy and inviting space for relaxation and rejuvenation.

overgrown and abandoned days inn danville pennsylvania

Photo: Johnny JooOdd World Studio

The Decline

Neglect and Poor Management

The first signs of trouble were evident in the management’s failure to keep up with maintenance and service quality, beginning somewhere around the early 2000s. Guests began to notice a decline in the cleanliness and upkeep of the rooms. Complaints about the state of the facilities started to surface, painting a picture of a hotel that was losing its touch.

Customer Dissatisfaction

The issues didn’t stop at the physical state of the hotel. The Days Inn’s focus on local entertainment, particularly the nightclub, began to clash with the guests’ needs. The loud music and late-night activities were a source of annoyance for those seeking rest, leading to negative reviews and a decline in guest satisfaction.

The Final Years

As the problems mounted, the hotel’s reputation suffered. The dwindling number of guests, combined with the escalating costs of operation and maintenance, pushed the Days Inn into a precarious financial position. Eventually, the hotel could no longer sustain itself, leading to its closure.


The hotel’s closure was abrupt, leaving behind a structure frozen in time. The once lively corridors and rooms were now silent, with remnants of the past scattered throughout the building. It was as if the hotel was hastily left behind, with little thought for what would come next.

overgrown and abandoned days inn danville pennsylvania

Photo: Johnny JooOdd World Studio

The Final Chapter

Photographic Exploration

The abandoned Days Inn in Danville presented a unique subject for photographers and historians alike.

Walking through the abandoned hotel was like stepping into a time capsule. Each room and space told a silent story of the past. The eerie tranquility of the empty lobby, once bustling with guests, sat quietly in stark contrast to its former liveliness. The dining area and kitchen, once centers of communal activity, now stood deserted, their purpose long forgotten.

overgrown and abandoned days inn danville pennsylvania

Photo: Johnny JooOdd World Studio

The Demolition

The decision to demolish the Days Inn marked the end of an era. The demolition process, which began in early 2023, was a significant event for the community and a symbolic farewell to a once-beloved landmark.

Making Way for the New

The demolition made way for new development. Plans for the site included the construction of a new hotel, a national chain restaurant, and a mini strip mall, signaling a rebirth and renewal of the area. This change, while necessary, also served as a reminder of the impermanent nature of such establishments and the relentless march of progress.

Reflecting on the Past

As the Days Inn was dismantled piece by piece, it offered a moment to reflect on its history and the memories it held. For those who had known it in its prime, it was a bittersweet goodbye to a place that had once been a part of their lives.

The story of the Days Inn in Danville, Pennsylvania, is a tale of growth, decline, and eventual rebirth. Its journey from a thriving hotel to an abandoned relic and finally to its demolition and replacement reflects the ever-changing nature of our built environment. Through photography and storytelling, I always try to preserve the memory of places like the Days Inn, ensuring that their stories continue to be told long after they have gone.

The Days Inn of Danville, Pennsylvania, serves as a reminder of the transient nature of our society. From its inception as a beacon of hospitality to its eventual abandonment and demolition, the hotel’s story is a microcosm of the larger narratives that play out in towns and cities across the country.

overgrown and abandoned days inn danville pennsylvania

Photo: Johnny JooOdd World Studio

The Days Inn’s journey from a lively hub of activity to a silent, forgotten relic offers a rich tapestry of lessons and reflections. It speaks to the impermanence of human endeavors and the relentless passage of time that eventually reclaims all. Yet, in its final moments, as the walls came down, there was a sense of renewal and hope for the future. The space that the Days Inn once occupied will soon give rise to new developments, continuing the cycle of growth, decline, and rebirth that characterizes our ever-evolving landscapes.

Through exploring and documenting such places, we not only pay homage to their past but also learn to appreciate the intricate stories woven into the fabric of our communities. The former Days Inn, in its silence, tells a story that is as much about its history as it is about our collective human experience.

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