Year: 2024

Amid Cleveland’s bustling streets and modern skyscrapers lies a tale of two distinct religious communities often tangled in public discourse: Christian Science and Scientology. While the latter may boast celebrity affiliations like Tom Cruise, it’s the former, with its deep roots in 19th-century religious movements, that has left a more indelible mark on Cleveland’s architectural and spiritual landscape. Central to

Mount St. Mary’s Hospital, located in the city of Niagara Falls, New York, embodies over a century of healthcare evolution, architectural magnificence, and the nuanced interplay between advancement and the passage of time. Officially designated as a historic landmark in the year 2015, this imposing structure continues its slow descent into the dirt, crumbling away with each passing year. Design

In the heart of the American Southwest, nestled just three miles west of Allentown, Arizona, on the iconic Route 66, lies the small town of Houck. Known to the Navajo as Ma’ii Tó, or Coyote Water, Houck is a place where the past whispers from the dusty roads and abandoned structures. Houck’s Founding and Early History The Origins of Houck

Nestled in the heart of midtown Toronto, Casa Loma stands as an incredible example of Gothic Revival architecture’s enduring appeal. This majestic castle-style mansion, surrounded by sprawling gardens, not only serves as a historic house museum but also as a prominent landmark that captivates visitors with its architectural grandeur and fascinating history. Constructed between 1911 and 1914 for financier Sir

Nestled off the iconic U.S. Route 66, in the old downtown district of Holbrook, Arizona, lies a street with a name as intriguing as its history: Bucket of Blood Street. This unique moniker captures the imagination of those who hear it, beckoning them into a past filled with tales of the Wild West. Holbrook, established in the 1880s as a

Fort Stevens State Park In the northwestern corner of Oregon, where the mighty Columbia River spills into the Pacific Ocean, stands the historic Fort Stevens. Now enveloped in the tranquility of a state park, this fort has a story steeped in military history, stretching back over a century and spanning several pivotal moments in American history. The Birth of a