Tag: johnny joo

As you may know, if you follow the Facebook page, I have recently been offering 60 FREE Lightroom presets. I now have a download link where you can find the file! By clicking on the photo below, it should take you to a link where you can download these presets.

A former tractor supply company left behind to be washed away by the passing of time. Tucked back behind brush and surrounded on all sides by fence, this location was a hidden gem residing off the busy streets of a town. Our adventure took place nearing the end of the summer of 2013. Climbing over the fence brought us to

A lot of us buy into the “new thing”, to become hip or trendy, to create a sense of happiness in having the shiny, brand new products that are available to us. Some people create a false sense of happiness for themselves by flaunting what they have at the time, and most of us are no exception to this.