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For over 30 years, the old Circle Line V has sat rusting away at the mouth of the Ohio River; a nearly forgotten vessel. First departing in 1902, coming from Wilmington, Delaware, the ship was captained by railroad executive, J. Rogers Maxwell – a passionate yachter. Originally named the Celt, this 180-foot-long, steam-powered boat would experience many name changes throughout its wild and interesting life.

The thing is, the attraction to these somber scenes – the strange, emotional draw from standing within the eerie atmosphere of all of these abandoned spaces, or even seeing them visually represented is still a largely unexplained emotion called Kenopsia.

Over 2 million sunflower seeds were planted here in Avon Lake, Ohio in memory of a little girl who suffered brain tumors, eventually passing away. Her mother now cares for this field every year in memory of her daughter, raising more awareness of these conditions.

I have watched it for years now, deteriorating in such an incredible, beautifully destructive way. From the initial abandonment when all was still fairly pristine – shop windows intact – to looking like a bomb dropped – windows smashed and glass tossed all around as trees begin to grow wildly throughout. This is definitely one of the most bizarre “forests” you will ever take a hike through.

How can we care about something so much for a moment, but in a moment’s notice just drop it like we never even owned it? How can we continue to leave so much behind and broken when there’s 3.5 million homeless without a place to even feel safe or call their own when they’re out in the cold frozen? Life is a fragile topic…difficult to grasp and nearly impossible to open…