Category: Urban Exploration

THE GLASS FOREST The way each pane reflected images of foliage, mirroring the world within this glass house, created an abstract view of a separate world inside a different dimension, a scene so psychedelically mystifying, Alice would be jealous. The trees inside this enclosed space continued to push toward the sun, while leaving a beautiful destruction in their path. As

Home sweet home, or so it appears that way upon entrance to this large structure. The old Wengler Ave. School in Sharon, PA was once loved by many, as families had shared countless memories within the school. Sadly, all was ripped away by the wrecking ball in 2015. The school opened in 1927, with some renovations taking place in 1966.

Welcome to the J.N. Adam’s Memorial Tuberculosis Ward, a hidden gem tucked deep within the backwoods of Western New York. This massive location was commissioned by Buffalo mayor J.N. Adam to be built in 1909, to house and treat carriers of “The White Plague” known as tuberculosis.Most Western New York residents have not even set eyes on this massive structure, being