A Beautiful, Forgotten Masonic Temple
Since 2012, I have revisited this beautiful abandoned Masonic Temple numerous times.
A beautiful structure – wonderful historic architecture, complimented by the natural beauty of disastrous decay.
The top level and meeting lodge area of the temple.
Tunnels beneath the temple.
Empty street views from the upper level window ledges.
The floors within the temple have become covered by a natural moss carpet.
One of the many pianos left behind within the structure, sat in one of the 3 temple rooms.
Tall glass windows let sun into the main temple room, furnishing it nicely with a beautiful, natural, green moss carpet.
The main hallway, leading to stairs on either side.
What was formerly the cafeteria area, now covered in heavy decay.
A safe found with the lower levels.
An upper room, complete with vanity and piano.
Another view of the top-level temple.
It’s sad, how such a beautiful structure can be laid to waste like this, falling apart beyond repair. We need to make a change in how we treat our urban landscape if we want to see a change in how our future generations treat what we have left for them to take over.
Agreed on how beautiful the nature has set in with the work of the Masons who built the temple. It is difficult to imagine what circumstances led to the abandonment of such an obviously well-intentioned structure.
There is a temple like it not far from where I call home. Well cared for. Remains in use by the community. But I am told the building hola structural secrets known and used only by the Masons. themselves.