The Hospital Bill
This hospital bill went viral on the Internet last year, showing what one person was tuck paying for, for their hospital bill.
Now, I see plenty of equipment left all over the place, and I constantly wonder how so much could be left behind instead of re-purposed or sold, and how we could be forced to pay so much for things that are often times beyond our control as humans. I understand paying doctors, surgeons and nurses for the difficult jobs that they do, but this gets ridiculous.
I wanted to share here, photographs I have taken over time in multiple cities and states showing the decaying, neglected medical facilities scattered across our country. Makes you think…I want to keep this post to a short length and let the photos speak for themselves.
Great post! I love how you matched the prices with the abandoned rooms. Very thought provoking.
A few of these places look familiar. Are any of these from hospitals in Detroit? It’s shocking what gets left behind. I’ve found tons of medical records, tissue samples, imaging equipment, and vials of radioactive compounds.
As always, places to drool over, you have proven it!!! Super stuff.
if your illness didn’t kill you the bill for services rendered will…
Thanks for these non-places !!