Like Needles to a Pin Cushion

With all of this talk about the arson conviction of two ranchers in Oregon, I couldn’t help but be reminded about when I had been traveling through Oregon and witnessed a scorched forest for myself.
The effects of forest fires in Central Oregon. As I stood there, overlooking miles upon miles of burnt, blackened trees, I felt a strong impact. So many of these trees, which once stood tall, beautiful and full of color, wiped out so quickly by the fierce force of Mother Nature. No longer providing a canopy to the forest floor, thousands of empty trees remain, like needles to a massive pin cushion.
While patches of trees remain unharmed, or grown back from only being slightly damaged, most of this forest now sits a torched mess. It’s really a shame seeing things like this, but it becomes a disappointment when acts like this are carried out by the beings, whom breathe and live off of the oxygen produced by these forests. It’s awful seeing bare mountain ranges produced by logging, and burnt forests caused by acts of arson, such as the ones being talked about recently.
All That was Left
I was able to climb a massive gravel/dirt mound in a lot off the roadside to capture this view of the mountain, surrounded by the burned forest.
Where Was I When Ronald Came Down II
Where was I When Ronald Came Down

0 comments on “Like Needles to a Pin Cushion

  1. Yes, it looks very sad, but I believe that after the fire nature gets to work and restores things back to their former glory very fast…You mention acts of arson…what is the idea behind that? Do these folk want to do something else with the land?, if so what? Depressing.

  2. While visiting the Grand Canyon I was shown the results of damage done by the Forest Service. Too many trees, too close together, and the fires get into the tree canopy instead of local areas. Cannot stop the lightening.

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