The Restoration of Mike Tyson's Abandoned Mansion

My journeys have taken me to some strange places, ranging from the creepiness of an abandoned lunatic asylum, to the quiet, vast emptiness of a forgotten chapel, but nothing quite like the abandoned home of a former professional boxer. After being arrested here in 2013 it was nice to make a return trip, thankfully not ending in a $280 fine, to finally photograph the very odd forgotten structure of Mike Tyson’s abandoned 1980s mansion.

Now retired, the once undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, Mike Tyson, otherwise known as Iron Mike, still holds a record for being the youngest boxer to win the WBC, WBA and IBF heavyweight titles at only 20 years old. Mike Tyson became a very opulent man, even if for just a moment before spending his money on multiple mansions, drugs and living a wild party-filled lifestyle, which eventually led to him filing bankruptcy in August of 2003.

In his early years of fame and riches, Tyson decided to purchase a mansion on land in Southington, Ohio, where he lived during the 1980s. To many, this would seem like quite a random placement to build a multimillion-dollar mansion, but it put him not far from one of his trainers. The mansion was decked out with crystal chandeliers, a pool larger than most homes, tiger print carpet and everything else necessary to make it the epitome of a 70s/80s party pad.

In March of 2011, Tyson appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, speaking of how he had been living a sober and drug free lifestyle for the past two years prior, happy that it has helped improve the quality of his life. Not long after, in August of 2013 he admitted to the public that he had lied about a newfound sobriety and was practically on the verge of death due to alcoholism. Only a few months later, Tyson appeared on Fox News, admitting to finally making progress in a now truly sober lifestyle. Tyson said that he believed being in the company of good people has made him want to turn his life around for the better.

On a cold winter day, current owners granted me permission to access the property to photograph its current condition of decay and neglect. I was able to speak with them, learning that the house was soon to become a lively church and how they planned to carry out this restoration. As I wandered the halls and rooms of this large vacant space, I could only imagine the wild parties that must have taken place within these walls. There I stood, looking across a living room that was once full of life, but now remains empty of parties, tigers or celebrities. It was odd to think that I was staring down a place the famous Mike Tyson once called home.

The mansion has sat abandoned for years as multiple individuals have made attempts to purchase and reuse the property, always ending in failure. Finally, come December of 2014 the property was purchased by a church with big plans to bring it a brand new life, now beginning to make big moves toward their vision in 2015. I’ve seen a few restorations throughout my work as a photojournalist, but nothing so contrasting as this, and I can definitely say that I’m excited to document the ongoing restoration throughout the year, seeing it brought back to life.

The group plans to renovate Tyson’s former home into the “Living Word Sanctuary.” They would even like for Mike to attend the first gathering inside the churches sanctuary. Who knows, maybe this could happen? All I can do is hope to help by sharing this story far and wide, maybe bringing his attention to this matter. It could be quite an experience for him walking through his former home, seeing it brought to a completely different light.

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Fascinating. I can’t get enough of your blog. Thank you for sharing these amazing structures that have fallen from favour.
I have never seen the inside of the mansion but my brother Samuel was the trainer that trained Mike’s cats. He has since passed away but he loved training those tigers. It brought him joy and I am sure he is in heaven approving of the idea of a church there because he was a true believer in God!
honestly do we need another church when there are people living on the streets
@ShawnMyers | Honestly, do you need a computer to post comments on a blog when people are living on the streets?
@ShawnMyers What, just let a bunch of losers and low-lifes live there like a commune? You must be one of those nut ball liberals that think everyone with any amount of money should give it all to those that wasted their lives away.
@ShawnMyers, I understand your sentiment, I really do. But there is only one church…the church of faithful believers who are saved by Grace and washed in the blood of Christ. This thing they’re calling a church…I have my reservations that it’ll be filled WITH the church. Jesus was humble, this building looks to be anything but. We need THE Church to come out from among the walls and yes, feed the hungry, minister to the lowly, comfort the hurting, nurture the elderly and the orphans. Most of the time church buildings house Churchians, not Christians, so no, we do not need anymore of those. We need followers of Christ to BE the Church they were intended to be.
Must have REALLY liked the pool….there are TONS of pictures of that. I would have loved to see other parts of the house (ie..kitchen).
Agreed, I was curious as to what the kitchen looked like.
The kitchen was beautiful
Thank you for these pics. I loved looking at the before shots of the mansion. I look forward to seeing the pics of the restoration.
Reblogged this on Lis'Anne Harris and commented:
Very cool, more recent pics of the abandoned Mike Tyson property. The place is about to be restored into a church! I’m looking forward to seeing the “after” pictures.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Love this story and pics!
Church of the Reformed Boxer – it’s all about the Reformation…
Love the images & the story you wrote with it! As an Ohio resident, I think I would make the trip to see that restoration complete and keep this handy to see how they change its look – hopefully they keep some of it.
this is great thanks for the inside look!
Theres paved trails through the woods for his running workouts. He also had tigers and other animals there. I would like to see pics of this place when it was finished by his taste back then.
My son n law found the buyers, the way to purchase this ideal place, that they wanted. Also worked with the owner to get it so everyone got what was the exciting sale and purchase. I will tell u that there is more to this story, will leave it so everyone can vsit or belong to this house of the Lord!
Never gonna happen, so-called “churches” in this area have bought numerous land marks claiming to turn them into “worship centers” but that never happens and the properties continue to fall into decay and ruin. For example the closed and run-down Idora Park
Oh , Ye of little faith.
The pastor of this church is a good guy and the church is already doing well. I hope they continue to grow the congregation. The aeea sure needs it.
Just a note! Mike Tyson did not build this mansion! Do some research. I remember one of the original owners was a former Trumbull County Commissioner. He lost the house in foreclosure. I’m not sure if he was the original builder or not!
I THINK it was called.. something like.. Casa de Valenti, & the ppl that owned it & lived there before Tyson, also had a hair salon & a riding stable close by/across the street. I remember hearing that the tile for the ceiling was imported from Spain & was outrageously priced per piece
Close! Vannelli was the family’s name.
Roy Elza Construction Co.in the late 70s built this house for Ted Vennela of Southington, Ohio. Roy now lives in the Huston, Tx, area.
Ted Vanelli
“Tyson decided to purchase a mansion on land in Southington, Ohio”
If you go back and re-read the story, the author said, “In his early years of fame and riches, Tyson decided to purchase a mansion on land in Southington, Ohio, where he lived during the 1980s.”
Ted Vanelli is the former commissioner that built the house (I’m from Southington, his stepdaughter was a classmate of mine). They lost the house when it was discovered that he had embezzled county funds to build it.
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Am super excited to see this land and once a beautiful home get a rebirth..I imagine beautiful wedding ceremonies being held there and the pictures with the bridal party poised on those stairways would be magnificent (so keep the stairwells they are classic)..I’m not familiar with this congregation but I wish them much luck and I will be watching their progress along the way as I live very close..It proves to be a job I hope they don’t falter on once the job starts..
Not trying to burst your bubble but what kind of supposed ‘church’ has the resources to purchase, let alone the hundreds of thousands of dollars, possibly even running into millions, that it would cost to renovate this kind of property?! D you have any idea of just how massive the cost would be for the upkeep? And not to mention, the property tax on this?! So, would their peasy little tithings be enough?! I doubt it! Church my a%#!, an imaginary church for all of those lovely images that you see.. It’s called a ‘Sham’ and you can believe this: as sure as you were born, that this property will continue to sit & decay until it is sold yet again! Happy Day-dreaming!Lmao
It is wonderful that someone is renovating this beautiful property. But at who’s expense? Do religious organizations pay property tax????? Not in my state. Therefore, tax payers pay higher taxes to cover the loss that city and county have.
Sorry to drop a heaping load of reality on your head but what kind of so called ‘pastor’ & his so-called ‘church’ has money ‘poised’ in their hands to purchase, let alone renovate a home like this (we’re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars, possibly running into the millions) and let’s not even mention the cost of maintenance/upkeep of the home & property combined..Church my A##! It’s called a scam & a sham and I can guarantee you this: as sure as you were born, this property will continue to sit & decay, until it is sold yet again! Happy Day-dreaming! Lmao
Joel Osteen? He’s fake enough & rich enough. I’m a born again Christian but don’t follow nor like Osteen & his false doctrines.
Ever wonder how a ‘church’ can afford this property and restorations? Oh yeah…that 10% tith they want you to make every week.
And as always – Tax free!!
……they want you to send your money to the Lord but they give you their address.
You obviously know nothing about how a church operates, or should rather.
Exactly what I was thinking, but then Karin is right, they don’t have to pay taxes even though church is big business. Then you have the people that get so caught up in it that they leave some, most, or all of their estates to a church! Shaking head. I really don’t care what is done with it, but it makes me sad also to see buildings, left to decay, so I hope someone can do something. I do like the idea of a home for children.
I agree I hate seeing it decay its a beautiful place I would love to buy it
This is pretty kool. I literally used to live just right up the road from him. I remember as a kid seeing his Tigers on the property, I also remember sitting in the backseat of a station wagon at a gas station watching my dad shake his hand as they pumped gas. Glad to see somthing is to come of the place. Especially seeing how the rest of the area…including our old house, has gone to shit.
Very cool pics, love seeing this. Is that water in the pool? If so, I can only imagine the smell?!
Reblogged this on Austin+Wehrwein and commented:
Great architectural shots and interesting story
Interesting to see these photos, but not my cup of tea. It’s kind of a spooky, impersonal looking place. I doubt even carpeting and furniture would give it a “home” quality. Strictly for showing off. To bad there aren’t photos of the kitchen…would have liked to see that.
Beautiful photos. I have driven by this home on numerous occasions and have always wanted to take a look inside….now I have some sense of what the building looks like.
That’s one big ugly place… very unbalanced.
Tyson did not build the house nor did he live there in the 80’s…it was the early to mid 90’s…The Venetti/Vanelli (can’t remember the spelling?) family lived there before and the wife had a hair salon in the building in the front of the property. I grew up right around the corner from the mansion and I would see Mike take his daily morning jogs with his entourage following behind him in a SUV. He was very cordial toward the community and even had our high school basketball team over to play on his indoor basketball court. I wish him luck on his sobriety and hope the church has success. I would love to see something thrive in that beautiful spot that is still right around the corner from my parents house.
Agreed the balance is going to be hard to fix, and the HVAC is gonna be a bugger.
“In his early years of fame and riches, Tyson decided to purchase a mansion on land in Southington, Ohio, where he lived during the 1980s”. I do not see where it statesTyson “built” the mansion. The article states Tyson decided to “purchase” a mansion. Read carefully before making statements.
“In his early years of fame and riches, Tyson decided to purchase a mansion on land in Southington, Ohio, where he lived during the 1980s. TO MANY, THIS WOULD SEEM LIKE QUITE A RANDOM PLACEMENT TO BUILD A MULTIMILLION-DOLLAR MANSION, BUT IT PUT HIM NOT FAR FROM ONE OF HIS TRAINERS. “
Indoor basketball court? I must have missed that in the pics. I also wasn’t too impressed by this mansion in general overall. Spacious, I guess, but nothing to write home about.
Wasn’t there a diamond and the FBI involved in why the house was sold?
You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. You can’t make God’s house out of a pig pen…it will always smell like pig sh*t.
Shit up loser! Youre mad at your parents not Tyson.
Seeing big, abandoned homes like this makes me so sad. Working with foster children, and our abandoned youth of society, I always think how awesome it would be to fill homes like this with foster children! *Good* group homes are desperately needed, and homes like this that are abandoned anyway would be a great start to helping our society. The pictures are very well done and so beautiful! It will be good to see the finished product!
Very Interesting. I can see how a church would fit into the structure with the vaulted ceiling very much like a church structure. Can’t wait to see what they do with all of it.
A church? What a waste. That’s the saddest part of the story.
Reblogged this on matthewRstitt.com and commented:
Very nice Article.. I love strange places
Reblogged this on Ourkart.
WOW! That house was once a true gem! So glad that it is being rehabbed, but I hope they keep all the beautiful, original details-like the wood carved doors and the iron railings for the stairs-and that pool! Amazing! Thank you for the inside sneak peek! I cannot wait to see the rehab progress! 🙂
Many need to go back and reread what you wrote…. LOL… a few seemed to not have their cherrios before barking “In his early years of fame and riches, Tyson decided to purchase a mansion on land in Southington, Ohio, where he lived during the 1980s.” and before I get barked at I know the next line says: “To many, this would seem like quite a random placement to build a multimillion-dollar mansion, but it put him not far from one of his trainers.” I understand this as why would ANYONE build this here.. but it was close to one of Mike’s trainers….. enough said ….
I remember seeing this house from the outside when I was a kid and lived in a nearby town. Great to see the inside after all these years! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, an incredible contrast from party house to holy sanctuary. It almost already has a church-like quality about it with the windows and wood. Maybe the hot tub becomes a baptismal font (just kidding).
Stumbled upon your blog via Facebook. I love abandoned spaces and places, though have never really visited any in person. Thank you for sharing your photographs so that we can live vicariously through your images. Will be back to explore your writing and photography again in the future. Awesome.
Great story and its a very nice place just needs love and a little help!
Yeah, make a cult gathering place out of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZg_kW8eHTo
Just another dump form a dump of a city OHIO LMAO!
Yes OHIO….the heart of the nation, whose capital is home to champions Ohio State Buckeyes and a state damn proud of itself and damn grateful not to have a teenie weinie’d porn ‘stache prick like you. Good day cum nugget!
Thanks for glorifying this convicted rapist one more time. It proves that no act is so despicable that you cannot make people forget with a fluff story about wealth.
it does not matter if it is a church that has given it new life or a family….people who say that for a church to own it is a waste…well I do not believe that to be true…
I have driven passed this house for years on my way to a relative’s house. It’s cool to finally see the inside.
where exactly is this place located, I live in Cleveland, a huge Tyson fan and would love to take a drive to come see this place.
Southington I drove past it one time by accident a long time ago. I was camping and taking a drive when my girlfriend saw the gate with Tysons name Ii didn’t even see it she did. He was in prison at the time for rape. He trained at Don Kings camp in Orwell, Ohio I used to go there to watch fighters train never saw him though. I saw Roberto Duran and Ray Mancini there.
For those wanting to see more of the house here is a link.
i never knew he had a mansion in ohio
Was wondering what’s in the front house or is it a garage
It was originally a beauty salon when the original owners built it
(contrary to the article, Tyson didn’t build the original mansion). When he moved in it became a guard house for the security that worked the gate.
It was a beauty salon when it was built (contrary to the article, Tyson was not the original builder). When he moved in it became a guardhouse for the security that worked the gate.
Would love to see pics of all the hotties he smashed at that place. Now those would be worth seeing even with folks living on the streets.
That’s going to be quite the baptismal for the church haha.
You need to do a much better job with the photos. A user shouldn’t have to click on each one individually – you need to install a proper photo viewer.
its better this way, we can pick and choose what we want to view. doesnt lag my phone down when viewing either.
What a joke. A church bought it for good ? No such thing.
Right….because there aren’t thousands of non profits, orphanages, adoption agencies, etc…all setup by churches.
I have always been interested in this home and wanted to purchase it. Its beautiful and ashame it was going to wate.
You know what would be interesting; If they’d record Tyson going back there the way he is now. – Because he’s barely the same person anymore. – That extravagant life of excess is pretty much the opposite of his interests today.
So I wonder what he’d have to tell when walking around there, and how he’d experience that.
Just too bad if it has been renovated and turned into a church. That’s pointless and uninteresting…
nice pics, any progress with restoration??