#OhioToOregon Package
As I had been talking about, in support of the #OhioToOregon project, we are offering this awesome package of awesome stuff. This will help support the project greatly, and you will get a ton of stuff, come check it out below!
Not only will you help in support of this project, but you will be getting a BUNCH  of awesome stuff at the same time! So that’s always awesome!
You will get:
1 signed 16×20 printÂ
1 signed 8×10 printÂ
1 signed 4×6 or 5×7 print (surprises are awesome)
1 signed 16×20 #OhioToOregon poster (signed by both of us)
20 Black and white stickersÂ
20 Color stickersÂ
1 signed Calendar featuring various works from my portfolio and in relation to the #OhioToOregon project
2 awesome magnets with an awesome design
1 signed flyer (signed by both of us)
1 #OhioToOregon shirt (in awesome help and support of the project) ((Select your desired size in the options)
and a tripped out awesome wrist band
And with ALL of this, you will also be able to get more, come read about it below!
The package can be found here for purchase:
The project can be found detailed here: