Ohio To Oregon Mini Updates + Book Updates

For those wondering and asking about current updates in the #OhioToOregon project, the stickers will soon be on their way and we will be able to get them out to everyone! Anybody who would like some free stickers, please just contact through email, facebook, or any other various forms of social media where you can find us!
I will have a new video up later to share with everyone of an awesome location and very soon another video update!
For those who haven’t seen the previous video update, you can do so here, and check out a link to the project itself below!
There is a chance to grab signed copies of my book “Empty Spaces” through donations to the project, and there will soon be chances to win some more free copies!
The book is set to be officially released in the beginning of 2015, and I thank all for being so patient! Just wait, because there is some great stuff in the works that I know you will love!
If you would like to preorder a copy of “Empty Spaces” you can do so here:
Thank you all for being here through this awesome adventure, and I can’t wait to bring some greater adventures to the world!
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