Grand Architecture and Forgotten Specimens

Given the choice, would I rather examine some grand architecture, or some odd and forgotten specimens? You know, specimens…like pigs, frogs, larvae, rats, etc. Not long ago I was presented with the opportunity to see and photograph both of these inside an abandoned high school.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAbandoned Cooley High School Detroit 36Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 40
This school is most certainly one of the largest abandoned schools that I have ever been into, while also exhibiting some of the most wild and intricate architecture I have ever seen. It’s alway a shame seeing places of such grandeur falling to pieces, rotting away with time, being pummeled by scrappers.
The school’s history dates to the late 1920s. Built in Mediterranean Revival-style and standing at 3 stories, this building was opened on September 4, 1928, welcoming students through its doors. In 1928, the student population stood at 1,570, but by 1932 the figure had climbed to 3,750. The long halls now sit empty and quiet with only the fluttering of dust. Standing at one end, staring to the opposite end, all you see is a vacant space once occupied by students, now seemingly never-ending, stretching to the opposite side of the building.
Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 27OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAbandoned Cooley High School Detroit 26OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
Beyond the sporting venues of metropolitan Detroit, the Cardinals of Thomas M. Cooley High School are remembered as one of the most successful programs in the history of Michigan interscholastic athletics.
From its interesting exterior, to its hugely silent interior, sit the odd and forgotten pieces and parts left over from what was previously a science lab. A specific hallway had been designated as a wing for scientific study, each room serving a separate purpose.
Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 19Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 16Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 17Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 10Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 11Abandoned Cooley High School Detroit 22
There have been many notable alumni to come from Cooley High, including (the following list is straight from Wikipedia):

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